Planning a wedding in Las Vegas? Las Vegas weddings range from small, intimate ceremonies to larger celebrations. From choosing a chapel to picking a cake, weddings in Las Vegas are easy to plan with our wedding tips:
Holidays:Keep holidays in mind when choosing your Las Vegas wedding date. Valentine's Day is a hugely popular date for weddings in Las Vegas, and while it might seem romantic, you may change your mind after waiting in line for a wedding chapel for up to five hours.
Legal:Even though Vegas is known for quickie marriages, that doesn't mean you can just waltz off the street into a chapel and get married. There are legal requirements you must meet before being issued a marriage license.
Witnesses:If you're one of those couples who decide on an unplanned wedding, you might not have any guests in town, which brings up the question of having a witness at your ceremony. Not to worry -- Las Vegas wedding chapels always have someone on hand to serve as a witness for your happy occasion.
The official:Most wedding chapels in Las Vegas offer either a civil ceremony or a religious ceremony and provide you with a minister or rabbi. Keep in mind that most chapels don't allow you to bring in an outside minister or other official to perform the ceremony.